How to get to Silithus Wow Classic?

Wajiha Kainat
4 min readDec 30, 2020


How to get to Silithus Wow Classic? Silithus is an insect-infested level zone, in World of Warcraft, to the West of Un’Goro Crater. The area is home to the Silithid, an older race of insects. Present on the outer side of Moonglade, it is the main outpost of the Cenarion Circle and the area where Ahn’Qiraj war events took place. When Phase 5 starts, the two dungeons; the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj and the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj, open and become available to the players.

There are many ways to reach the Silithus zone (Wow Classic), but the two most important reasons for which players really want to reach there in any way. The first reason is for the Phase 5 event to accompany the Cenarion Circle in their battle against C’Thun. The second reason, for Paladins, Hunters, Rogues, and Warriors before the start of Phase 5, is the completion of the quest chain, to achieve Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.

Here are the 3 different ways to reach Silithus Wow Classic, known as “A Dying World”.

Option 1: Reach Silithus Marshal’s Refuge Way:

How to get to Silithus wow Classic?

You need to get the flight path to Marshal’s Refuge, in this way. But, in case, you are not on the flight path, then skip to Option 2. From the refuge head, move toward the Southwest direction. The Un’Goro Crater’s river ends in a lake, which is the reason the whole river looks like a Cobra on the map. Reach to the mouth of Cobra where its tongue tip is, and the river ends completely, then head straight Northwest.

If you look at the Un’Goro Crater’s big circle at 12 with Marshal’s Refuge and Un’Goro entrance from Tanaris at 3, then you’re looking between 10 and 11 on the clock. When you move in that direction, you’ll see some pillars that are the entrance to Silithus.

Option 2: Come from Tanaris to reach Silithus Classic:

How to get to Silithus?

For this option, you should have a flight path to Gadgetzan. If you don’t have this flight path, then you must get it in order to reach Silithus Wow Classic.

From Gadgetzan, move toward Southwest, more in a Southern way. Make sure that Abyssal Sands are in the East on your left side. You will have to pass by a bug-infested area with insect appendages. These appendages move out of the ground in the West direction, on your right side. Those appendages are the Silithid, whose area you want to go to. Then, head in the South direction, until you see the pillars. Another indication is a dotted line on the map that marks the path to Un’Goro Crater. Take the path in Un’Goro and move towards the river on the Northwest side.

After reaching the end of the river, follow the path in Option 1 i.e. find Cobra’s tongue and see the pillars that are the main entrance to the Silithus.

Option 3: Swimming from Feralas and Suicide:

How to get to silithus classic wow?

This option is easy for the lower level characters; probably non-druids will have a slow going rate.

First, take off your gear and store it, because you will die at least one time, so this storage will help you not to incur the repair cost. Start in Feralas and move to the Forgotten Coast in the West. For an Alliance player, the path will be Feathermoon Ferry East to the coast. For a Horde player, most likely start in Camp Mojache’ and then head straight West on the main road until he reaches the ocean.

At the shoreline, follow it straight south and then keep on swimming until you reach the Silithus zone. To find a cool hidden area in Silithus, move-in South, and there, you will find a secret Tauren Village!

Now you have got how to get to Silithus. These are the 3 easy ways to get to Silithus wow Classic-“A Dying World.”

